Wednesday, November 08, 2006

More Mahiki!

Here are a few links to blogs and forums around the world that have been keeping an eye on progress at Mahiki - London's newest tiki bar designed, decorated, and kitted out by CheekyTiki:

Humu Kon Tiki:
This new venture, called Mahiki, is sure to be lovely, given the fantastic talents of the people behind Cheekytiki.

Tiki Central:
As a very fortunate eye witness to these happenings, I can affirm that everyone at Cheekytiki deserves a lot of credit and recognition! It will definitely be a tiki landmark on this side of the pond!

(from another thread on) Tiki Central:

Tiki Talk:
[CheekyTiki] did amazing work on the Black Pearl Boutique, so the bar is sure to come out smashingly.

Virani le Beachcomber:
Le bar est situé dans le quartier chic de Mayfair, en face du Ritz.

(Photograph from Virani le Beachcomber)

Cheers to everyone for taking an interest in our work! Our apologies to anyone we might have overlooked (just let us know if you've mentioned Mahiki on your blog, forum, etc).

Don't forget this friday is CheekyTiki night at Mahiki. Click here for more details.

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